林峰聖誕收剪報(东方日报)-- BY M小Y
林 昨 日 到 粉 嶺 出 席 聖 誕 活 動 , 他 透 露 平 安 夜 與 友 人 到 卡 拉 O K 慶 祝 , 但 由 於 昨 日 要 開 工 , 故 未 能 玩 得 太 夜 。
問 林 收 到 甚 麼 特 別 的 聖 誕 禮 物 ? 他 說 有 朋 友 很 有 心 思 , 集 合 有 關 他 的 新 聞 剪 報 送 給 他 , 另 外 一 份 是 友 人 知 道 他 稍 後 要 往 外 地 拍 《 歲 月 風 雲 》 外 景 , 故 集 齊 不 少 「 平 安 藥 」 給 他 以 備 不 時 之 需 。
转自峰吧: wingmissu0911
林峰平安夜乐极生悲 出席活动被森美玩惨
Raymond Lam hit the eyebrow and get bruise while opening gifts
Yesterday, Raymond Lam attended a Christmas event in Fanling Centre, celebrated Christmas with citizen. Apart from playing games with kids, Raymond also played some tongue twisters with Sammy. While being noticed that Raymond’s eyebrow has a bit bruised, he expressed that last night Christmas Eve, he had a party with many friends in a Karaoke lounge, and exchanged gifts, when he opened the gift, because of overexciting, he carelessly hit the eye himself, and get bruise. However, since he needed to work yesterday, he didn’t played too late at night. Meanwhile, among so many Christmas gifts, he claimed that the most special one is a really great gift, that’s an album of his photos and related news clips from he entered the showbiz till now. Another is that a friend knows that he needs to go overseas for filming “The Legendary Era” and thus he collected some “safety drugs” for contingency use. Meanwhile, his brother has recently returned to HK at Christmas, so he will bring him to have a big Christmas dinner.
(Adapted from Apple Daily, Oriental Daily and The Sun Newspaper)
The news are and translated by Fung Forever -- Cat
P/S: Fung is so cute ^_^ He is too excited while opening his Christmas presents until he hurts his left eyebrow... HAHA! Remember to take care of your eyes, Fung!