Raymond Lam's Illustration

The Illustration -- Raymond Lam Fung 林峰

Raymond Lam's Illustration

Michael's Blog -- Raymond Lam's Illustration

其实我们一直在痛苦和磨难中艰挺过来的, 光明从未追随过我们, 但我们仍然期待在人生的下一个转弯处可以找到活路! 否则, 无非就是一起走向死亡!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

TVB + Ming Pao Magazine Scans + Images on Raymond [26/7/2006]

Hey, do u see Raymond’s new necklace there? It is quite cute, like a “ring rong”...

Raymond’s pose while holding the flowers is so cute! No wonder all of us like to call him as “big children”, haha!

How to describe his hair at this moment? Is there any idea?

Ratings Report:

1) Beautiful Cooking - 33 pts [Peak 35 pts]
2) The Savior of the Soul -30 pts [Peak 32 pts]
3) Love Guaranteed - 30 pts [Peak 32 pts]

My opinion on War and Destiny:

War and Destiny, a new TVB series, which is currently released overseas until episode 12 yesterday, is the best series TVB ever has after Lethal Weapons of Love and Passion, Wars of in Laws, and Life Made Simple. Well, actually, I have only watch the series for the first episode and I have already been attracted to this series very much. The first episode really moved me especially the last part where Peng Onn’s [Myolie] died. Director Chong Wai Kin, after Twin of Brothers, has really put a lot of efforts on this series, I know. There are a lot of breathtaking scenery in War and Destiny. The part when Peng Onn was upset after knowing her father had passed away, [being lied by the first wife of her father, as she hated Peng Onn’s mother] with Hao Yi [Ron] beside her, the director has used such best scenery. Lol, I really recommend all of you to rent this series [I buy this series of course] while waiting Face to Face to be released. It would not disappoint you. Trust me; give war and destiny A TRY.

Congratulation to Roger and Cindy:

Well, finally after 7 years, both of them got married in Disneyland last week. I hope that they would live happily ever after and get a baby soon. Hmm, when is Raymond’s turn to get married?

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Magazine Scans -- Raymond Lam, Sunshine Guy [23/7/2006]


上周六(7月15日),对于国内首款全3D历史玄幻网游巨作《大唐风云》来说,绝对是意义非凡的一天。游戏形象代言人――香港无限第一小生林峰以“少帅林峰”的ID登陆游戏服务器,与玩家一起度过了共同游戏的美妙时光。   在得知林峰要来《大唐风云》和玩家一起游戏,立刻在林峰的忠实FANS团体“峰迷会”中引起轰动。紧急会议后,"峰迷会"全体姐妹一致决定:力挺林峰,峰迷会入驻《大唐风云》!   于是,7月15日,成了长安城里有史以来美女最多的一天。   显然,少帅的驾到不仅引起了“峰迷会”的疯狂,全《大唐风云》的女性玩家在听说林峰要来玩游戏,都开始向长安飞奔,引得平时那些或名声显赫或默默无闻的男性玩家们满肚子怨气。   约定的时间还没到,长安城早已是人山人海。那些为了林峰而来的美女们守在路上叽叽喳喳说个不停,恨不得像现实中,举块牌子大声呼喊“林峰我爱你”。一些大胆的MM干脆说道:“林峰是我的,不要跟我抢!”整个长安城在激动与疯狂中燃烧。








被选中的四个“美少女战士”,在一片惊呼与艳羡中与林峰开始了斩妖除魔的艰险历程,一边还不忘和林峰“甜言蜜语”。那些没有被选上的MM们则对这四个幸运女生恨的牙痒痒。战斗中,一MM不小心死于怪物的偷袭中,一群MM立刻蜂拥着要求加入,更有甚者在少帅面前跳起了舞,腼腆的林峰用表情动作表达着自己的无奈。   周围的男玩家似乎被林峰超级人气刺激到了,卖力杀怪,希望能引起周围MM们的注意。   活动结束后,峰迷会美女兵团团长宣布:“我们支持林峰,也会象支持林峰一样支持我们的国产游戏《大唐风云》。我们将组织‘峰迷会美女兵团’入驻《大唐风云》,陪林峰一起战斗。”   听到这个好消息,边上那群刚刚还郁闷至极的男性玩家们是一脸傻笑,不用说,肯定是沉浸在与众MM一起游戏的美好前景里了! 

Taken from http://bbs.raymondforest.com/?a=naixius

Credit to celestine

Recent Wallpaper and Banner on Raymond + Ratings Ranking [23/7/2006]

My new desktop background, beautiful or not? I get it from Fung's Label...

I like Raymond sings in this pose... Full of feelings...

Ratings Ranking till July:

1) La Femme Desperado -- 33 pts [Maintain] - Luckily still no.1, but I afraid WAD and LOW will affect the ranking again, just like FH...
2) Bar Benders -- 32 pts [Maintain]
3) The Dance of Passion -- 32 pts [Maintain]
4) Forensic Heroes -- 32 pts [--]
5) Under the Canopy of Love -- 31 pts [Down 1]