Raymond Lam's Illustration

The Illustration -- Raymond Lam Fung 林峰

Raymond Lam's Illustration

Michael's Blog -- Raymond Lam's Illustration

其实我们一直在痛苦和磨难中艰挺过来的, 光明从未追随过我们, 但我们仍然期待在人生的下一个转弯处可以找到活路! 否则, 无非就是一起走向死亡!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

[News] "It's Hard To Be A Woman" Filming

Raymond Lam and Melissa Ng were filming an exterior scene for TVB series, "It's Hard To Be A Woman" , the scene talked about Raymond pretending to be dying to propose to Melissa, in the end, he succeeded, they ended up together happily, but in reality, they both don't accept such a doing, Melissa said, "It feels like part of this is a lie, proposing is a happy thing! It's better to have the traditional romantic way of proposing, I don't like having to fake a life and death situation."

Raymond expresssed that he thinks that this way of proposign is really bad, just like decepting the girl's feelings, he said, "It's really not good to propose like this, it's like lying, but the rate of succeeding is quite high, I myself am actually quite romantic! But I have to see if I have the energy and heart to do it first, it's been over five years since I have dated, I really hope that I'll be able to date in the future by watching movies, going out for dinner or just take walks together, I want to have a normal dating process."

Young Actor

TVB's young actor, Raymond Lam, has filmed an ad for a Mainland clothing brand earlier for a six place value salary. The commercial company was really nice to Raymond, they found a tall and sweet looking model to cooperate with him, the photographer also requested for Raymond to lay down on the female model's lap, Raymond has the luck!

Raymond appeared generous towards the beautiful model, with the many requested poses, Raymond showed no rejections, Raymond then expressed afterwards, "Was I embarassed of laying on her lap? Of course not, we're just working, the pose was no biggie anyways."

Besides this, even though Raymond came into the showbiz before Ron Ng, but he's far from Ron looking at commercial-wise, yet Raymond doesn't feel a pity, "Actually towards filming commercials, I just started out late. I always have a few months each year of where I'm in Mainland filming series, so I don't have time to receive any other jobs, there was a time where I rejected almost twenty commercials."

[02/23/06] News involved in filming Tai Chi

Earlier, when filming for “Tai Chi”, it was the first time that the reporter saw TVB rising siu sang Raymond Lam. With his energetic personality, he appears to be very much at ease when filming. And when he doesn’t need to film, he is chatting and laughing with the people around him. He also doesn’t forget to satisfy each fan’s request.

No colleague as girlfriend
As he is very handsome, does he frequently revolve around beautiful women? “No, I don’t. You don’t know how fierce the Hong Kong paparazzi are. When you and a female friend or maybe a colleague are at a same place, they will write that she is my rumoured girlfriend. Therefore I will have no beautiful women around me.” When asked which type of girl he likes, he didn’t mind sharing: “Generous, open and bright. It is also very important that her looks are pleasing to the eyes, because the feeling that a girl gives with her first impression is important. You will naturally want to get in touch with her. To know if you suit each other, you can only know that after you have made contact.”

As he is very busy with work, Raymond hasn’t got a girlfriend. If he wants to find love, he expressed that he will definitely not look for a girlfriend in the entertainment circle. “I believe that when two people are together, they each have to have their own personal space. If I find a girlfriend from the entertainment circle, then we will see each other at work and when we get off work we will also see each other. You will easily get fed up with that person. I am someone who doesn’t like people to say what I should and must do. And I also don’t like it when people are always asking me what I am doing at the moment. When looking for a girlfriend, her character can’t be too similar to mine. She certainly has to be able to understand me.”

Want to be an idol and a capable artist
In recent years, Raymond has been idolised by many female fans. He was put by his fans in an idol/ artist spot, regarding such rank Raymond appeared to be very excited: “For putting me in an idol ranking, for me this is a confirmation from my fans. Of course, I am very excited about it. I want to do my best to be an artist who is both an idol and a capable actor. The status of an idol is given by others, however capacity depends on oneself and hard work.”

Because of the screen time in the series “Tai Chi” with Vincent Zhao, Raymond’s fan club posted some messages on the web, worried that he doesn’t have much screen time. So that other artists might steal its limelight. He personally does not approve of such a view. “Actually, the weight of one’s role is not that important, what is more important is whether a role suits oneself. I like my role in “Tai Chi” a lot. The portrayal flexibility is very big, as long as I develop it very good.” He is very grateful for the support of his fans.

After the drama team of “Tai Chi” has shoot in Kunming, the reporter has received many telephone inquiries about the shooting place by Raymond’s fanatics. At the place where they are filming, everyday there will be many fans of Raymond comes to visit the set. Some come from Chengdu, but also from Hong Kong as well as from many places all over the country. Regarding his fans, Raymond tries to fulfil their wishes as much as possible: “I am very touched, they all come from such far places to see me. I really have to thank them for it.” After he became popular, he continually received the love of his fans. During the conversation, he has expressed many times his gratitude to his fans. “The support they give me is immense. The most touching time was my birthday from last year. Fans from all over the country came to Hong Kong and organised a very big birthday party for me. Before they blindfolded me, so I was very pleasantly surprised when I saw that big pile of presents. I was so thrilled that I spoke very incoherently. I am really grateful for everyone’s support.”

In his free time, Raymond likes to be peacefully. He also likes to be on his own at home, enjoying his free time. “When I am alone I will surf the net and listen to music. Sometimes I will chat all day with my friends. The majority of my friends are all in the entertainment circle, that is why I spend quite a lot of time with them. I frequently go swimming with them, it is a lot of fun.”

Friday, March 03, 2006


楊怡、陳敏之昨日出席一個護髮活動,兩人齊聲表示因拍古裝,所以脫髮情況頗為嚴重。 至於早前李彩華指有問過她跟林峰傳緋聞一事,敏之表示:「有問過我,梗係唔係真,所以唔好再講啦。」


昨日陳敏之出席有關頭髮的活動,她透露拍古裝劇多的關係,前額頭髮經常被扯斷,出現脫髮現象,惟有用特效洗頭水護理頭髮,並盡量不染髮,但她正值搏殺期,不會要求公司減拍古裝劇。  提到李彩華透露曾問過她與林峰傳緋聞一事,她承認對方確實有問過,但遭她斷然否認。