Raymond Lam's Illustration

The Illustration -- Raymond Lam Fung 林峰

Raymond Lam's Illustration

Michael's Blog -- Raymond Lam's Illustration

其实我们一直在痛苦和磨难中艰挺过来的, 光明从未追随过我们, 但我们仍然期待在人生的下一个转弯处可以找到活路! 否则, 无非就是一起走向死亡!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

[News + Articles + Images] 林峰擺明唔過電 + 公益金竞步行以及04年7月大唐宣传活动照片 + Ron同林峰暧昧关系 + 岁月风云:真正花絮 -- 3/2/2007



[Click To Enlarge]


1. 启程前往云顶的巴士上,Ron同林峰一起坐。两个人共用一个mp3听歌。林峰感冒还没好,整个人软绵绵的,Ron帮他披外套。Ron喊林峰的助理拿药,还亲自放药丸锦林峰的
口里,还喂他喝水,过后就靠在Ron 的肩膀上睡觉。陈豪嘉颖杏儿620都有走过来问林峰有事情,620都有摸林峰的额头,确实发烧,需要休息, Ron却不担心被传染,认真够“朋友?”

2. Ron先化好妆,之后轮到林峰,Ron在旁边练习唱歌,一看到化妆师把林峰的唇膏画出界,立刻用手指帮林峰抹掉唇边的唇膏,认真“细心?”杏儿在旁边看到,嘲笑“你真系好鬼细心,晤见你对我甘好?”


4.上巴士,Ron先上巴士,却没有去座位,原来在等林峰检查行李。林峰准备上车时,Ron 赶快伸手拉林峰的手上巴士。



阿Ron在片场,比较没有同其他的艺人交际,所以人缘并没有很好。通常拍戏时,有阿峰在,他就会同阿峰一齐,鬼鬼祟祟,不知道谈些什么。没有阿峰在,他通常都会一个人,坐在旁边闭目养神,或者倾电话。除了阿峰以外,其实他最喜欢和松哥同埋三哥聊天,但是都是恭恭敬敬的。那里像阿峰,整天在片场喳喳跳,跟几位老前辈讲话,也是跳上跳下。真系唔明白,点解松哥同埋三哥,还是比较锡阿峰,当阿峰如珠如宝。松哥同埋三哥得闲时,还会叫阿峰唱歌给他们听。逗得松哥同埋三哥几鬼开心,阿峰的生日利是还很大呢。Ron 其实并唔会怕丑,但是他总不是很会交际。




[News + Functions] Fung Will Visit Beijing In February! + 2007 北京新春大联欢 -- 3/2/2007


得到Candy妈的消息,得知阿峰将于2007年2月前往北京参加cctv春晚的录制工作(鼓掌+恭喜),预计逗留2、3天。 [注意candy妈说的是cctv]


2月8日 KA900 香港8:05--北京11:20
2月10日 KA905 北京8:05--香港11:45

北京节目录制现场:中国人民大学世纪馆 (请北京的fans们自己查一查具体地址)




QQ: 358047162



城 市 电 视 播 出 日 期: 2月18日星期日(大年初一)
播 出 时 间: 温哥华8:00 PM, 多伦多:11:00 PM
主 持 人: 曾志伟、郭德刚

内 容 简 介:


TVB8为了要令该晚会的节目具创意又充满独特性,特意安排一众红星倾力表演,强大的明星阵容包括Twins、黎明、曾志伟、卫兰、卫诗、廖碧儿、林峰 及陈法拉,如此场面鼎盛的表演节目,作为他们的粉丝当然不容错过,而全球各地的华人亦定必被其精采浓厚的节日气纷感染,喜迎新岁! TVB8更广邀各红星参与拍摄视频,陈奕迅、容祖儿、刘烨、古巨基、杨千嬅、成龙等巨星预先为各位观众拜年及送上节目预告,如此令人期待的视频短片将陆续在TVB8频道内播出,观众们一定要密切留意了。



成龙 、容祖儿、何韵诗、 杨千嬅 、陈奕迅、周笔畅、庾澄庆 、 王浩信、李浩林、胡蓓蔚、羽泉、张敬轩、陈秋霞、泳儿、刘烨、陈法拉、 郑嘉颖、光良、郭晋安、廖碧儿、王喜、伍咏薇、苗乔伟、李思捷、林峰 、 马浚伟、佘诗曼 、 At 17 、Sun boyz

P/S: Hopes that all Fung's fans in Beijing will be happy and excited to hear about the news! ^_^

[News + Articles + Images + Magazine Scan] 林峰佘诗曼三度合作 懶理緋聞 + 林峰發酒癲推杏兒落車 + 林峰杏儿甜蜜蜜看婚纱结婚 -- 3/2/2007

三度合作 懶理緋聞

日 前 佘 詩 曼 和 林 峯 在 將 軍 澳 拍 攝 無 線 新 劇 《 歲 月 風 雲 》 。 佘 詩 曼 近 來 緋 聞 不 斷 , 問 她 今 次 跟 林 峯 合 作 , 會 否 擔 心 傳 出 緋 聞 ? 她 說 : 「 今 次 同 佢 合 作 的 第 三 套 劇 , 都 唔 理 得 傳 唔 傳 緋 聞 了, 大 家 都 係 做 o野。 」

情人節渴望收花 佘詩曼等松哥安慰

胡杏兒(左起)、佘詩曼、劉松仁與林峯昨日為新劇拍外景 。



阿 佘 甩 拖 : 情 人 節 無 人 約







林峯擺明唔過電 阿佘轉 lum 松哥







大图 :


林峰發酒癲推杏兒落車 - 太阳报



林峰驚杏兒變許瑋倫 - 东方日报

林 峰 與 胡 杏 兒 昨 日 在 高 速 公 路 拍 戲 , 杏 兒 被 他 由 車 推 出 馬 路 , 相 當 驚 險 。

胡 杏 兒 、 林 峰昨 日 為 無 新 劇 《 歲 月 風 雲 》 拍 攝 一 場 車 戲 , 講 述 醉 酒 的 林 峰 遭 佘 詩 曼 拋 棄 , 一 臉 鬚 根 頹 廢 look , 「 柴 可 夫 」 杏 兒 好 言 相 勸 , 反 被 林 峰 在 高 速 公 路 推 落 車 , 驚 險 萬 分 。

林 峰 事 後 聲 稱 拍 攝 時 都 有 危 險 , 他 說 : 「 可 能 杏 兒 唔 慣 踩 煞 車 腳 掣 , 架 車 向 前 溜 , 好 彩 都 控 制 得 住 。 拍 時 馬 路 好 多 車 , 陣 諗 起 許 瑋 倫 ( 台 灣 女 星 撞 車 身 亡 ) , 雖 然 唔 識 佢 都 叫 同 行 , 覺 得 佢 好 慘 。 所 以 我 推 杏 兒 下 都 驚 佢 受 傷 冇 乜 點 用 力 , 好 憐 香 惜 玉 ! 」

而 小 腿 戴 住 護 墊 的 杏 兒 碌 落 地 時 雙 手 叉 落 地 , 雖 然 驚 , 慶 幸 順 利 完 成 , 她 說 : 「 佢 好 錫 住 我 , 只 係 用 少 少 力 , 費 事 整 親 我 。 」



[Click To Enlarge]

P/S: All the images are very nice and I think The Drive Of Life will be a best series to be watched after it is being released!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

[News + Article + Magazine Scans + Images] The Drive Of Life: Ron Ng Cheuk Hei + The Master Of Tai Chi Images + Bonia Images + Astro Awards 2006 -- 31

The Drive Of Life - Magazine Scans:


太极探班图片 [阿峰与杏儿]:

P/S: Both Fung and Myolie are cutie!!! ^_^


2006年Bonia 发布会图片:


ASTRO Awards - Magazine Scans:

- Life TV:

- TV Times:

- E Pop:

[Click To Enlarge]

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

[Image + Article] The Drive Of Life Filming Photo + 070120 An Unforgettable Lifetime Experience ~ Astro Wah Lai Toi Awards 2006 -- 30/1/2007

[Click To Enlarge]

English Version ~~ 070120 An unforgettable lifetime experience ~ Astro Wah Lai Toi Award 2006

6.30pm – Went inside the “Arena of Stars”

6.45pm – Struggling & hesitating whether to go out to Red Carpet area. I didn’t go out there in the end, scared it might be way too crowded outside & with my height and size, I doubted that I could even get a glimpse of Ah Fung. Hehe, so it would better for me to just stay inside, there’s 2 screens showing the whole Red Carpet event anyway (sort of similar to watching TV). And I had my camera-lady (Moon) out there - she grabbed my camera & rushed out there. Haha.

7.20pm – The artists started arriving one by one on the red carpet. Actually, I had nothing much to tell coz I wasn’t there. Too bad, huh?

8plus – My excitement and anticipation increased every minutes knowing that Fung will be appearing on the Red carpet any minutes by now. Thus, I got my full focus on the screen (well, im sitting on my seat inside the “Arena of Stars”). Then all in a sudden, AHH! Fung finally arrived! Then, from the screen, I saw lots of fans out there. When Fung and his partner finally reached the stage on the Red carpet area (where they’ll be interviewed by the VJ ), the sound was turned off. OMG, I could only watch Fung on the screen but not hearing his voice. I was trying to guess what he was saying there and cursing Astro silently. Ahhh! Why did they have to choose this exact moment? Then, I was waiting & anticipating for Fung to come inside the “Arena of Stars”, hehe. When he finally stepped in, I could hear the screams - “Lam Fung! Lam Fung!” Of course, Im one of them, haha. Before the show started, I called up my bro, but my Mom picked up the phone. Mom said she’s watching WLT award Live on TV too but she couldn’t see me. Of course she couldnt coz it was so crowded inside there.^^ I was so excited and told her that I’ll be holding the “Lam Fung” blue cardboard, with the bright yellow printed words & asked her to look out for someone wearing red sweater holding a yellow fluorescence stick.

8.30pm-1.10am – Here comes the Astro WLT award 2006. The 1st award was given out to our dear Fung for his character in “Yummy yummy”. And again, the fans were screaming and waving the fluorescence sticks. Yes yes, again, im one of them. Felt so happy for him though I don’t fancy his “Ngo-Siu” character that much. Hehe. But he didn’t get back to his seat after receiving the award. So I was guessing it would be his turn to perform the “Medley dance” real soon and he’s waiting for Ron. After some time, finally it’s the show time. Woohoo!! So excited! To tell you the truth, I was so busy during the whole “Medley dance” session. 1 minute I was focusing on the stage, the next I was watching the TV screen, the next I was adjusting my camera, zooming in & out taking photos, the next I was holding the “Fung” cardboard and waving the荧光棒 and screaming. But in my opinion, both Fung’s & Ron’s dance moves were not as good as the one they had during the Girl Guide Function in HK. Please don’t scold me for that, I was just being honest here, okay? Hehe. Then throughout the rest of the show, Kevin, Moses and Bernice were quite friendly. Raymond Cho & Myolie too. During one the commercial break, Moses & Bernice even stand up and posed for the audiences and media for photo taking. Actually, they looked lovely together. There’s a scene where Moses helped Bernice to wear her scarf (I think it’s a scarf if not mistaken, quite some distance away, so I couldnt see clearly, hehe ^^) , coz the weather was kinda cold up there in Genting Highlands (around 20 Celsius or lower I guess). Then I saw Kevin waved to the audiences from time to time. Raymond Cho as well. He actually had quite a lot of fans out there too. Fung too, sometimes he’ll turn around, flashed us his smiles & waved at the audiences. And he’s always not there on his seat during some of the commercial breaks. I wondered where he’s been…to the washroom perhaps?? Ron, well in my opinion, Ron’s bit cold, yes he did wave to the audiences, but there were a couple of times that I heard the fans were calling out and screaming “Ron…吴卓希…” but he didn’t do anything.

The event finished around 10.45pm.Then Moon said the artists would be coming out from the backstage later. Thus we went to this area which was at the front & waited for them to come out so that we could have a closer look at them. Then we saw Ah Lek, guess he’s the 1st one coming out, and I went to the washroom right after. Then I heard some noise when I was in the washroom washing my hands. When I rushed out, Moon told me that Fung had just left. Arrggh, I missed that! I felt like slapping myself right at that moment. Why did I have to go to the loo at that particular time?

Then we left the “Arena of Stars”, me of course full with disappointment, actually thinking that I would never see Fung again. However, when we went outside, we saw a huge crowd gathered at the Theme Park Hotel (it’s just beside the “Arena of Stars”). So, we joined the crowd too. Hehe, based on my experience, it always means “something” whenever there’s a huge crowd & with all the guards stand-by. So, we waited there. Then we saw Bernice, Moses, Raymond Cho, followed by Fung, Kevin. I was actually asking my pal where’s Ron & Myolie right after this. I was told Ron & Myolie came in together with Fung. GOSH, guess I had my full focus on Fung all the while, hmm, so that explained why I never noticed the arrival of both Ron & Myolie. The artists walked down the hallway and heading towards the staircase & I had totally no idea where they were heading towards. Initially I thought they were going for the after-show-celebration (庆功宴) & would be out in more or less 1 & a half hours. Hehe, another wild guess of mine.

We went to the Coffee Bean right inside that hotel. Ordered 1black forest & 1mocha ice-blended. We were merely sitting there sipping on our drinks & waited for the artists to come out. Then, me & Moon went outside & took pics. Suddenly, Wawa, called me up & said that the artists would be out soon, coz she just saw Ah Lek walked up from the staircase. Then after waited there like 20mins, we saw Bernice, Raymond Cho, Ron, Fung, Myolie, Moses followed by Kevin. I was getting my camera ready while waiting for Fung, but when Fung appeared, I have totally forgotten to snap photos of him, instead I was busy extending my hand, but a big guy in front of me was blocking me. Im so petite compared to him, crap, it’s only some distance away (3 or 4 inches away) then I could have shaked with Fung if this Mr.Big-guy was not blocking me. I felt like whacking people right that moment. Then we were told that the artists would be staying in Genting Hotel.

5.05am – Destination ~ Genting Hotel
Didn’t see any other fans around when we were there at the hotel lobby. Waited there for another 5 mins, still nobody’s coming. So we asked one of the hotel staff there. OMG, we made a mistake!!! We were told whenever there are artists visiting Genting Highlands, the hotel they’ll be staying in is undeniably the HIGHLANDS Hotel (HH). Okay, gotta change the destination ~ to HH. My God, and out in haste, I dunno whether it’s due to excitement or fatigue, we took the wrong way. Gosh, took the wrong turn & took us to the wrong place. Finally, we reached HH. Phew…There’s this escalator nearby the lifts& saw some security guards standing there. Hehe, here we came to the right place. Wow, it’s freezing cold, I still felt cold although was wearing a turtleneck sweater. It’s shown 20.7 Celcius.

Then by 5.40am, overheard one of the guard talking to the walkie-talkie “…搬的野上车先…”. And there was a bus waiting outside. Pretty sure that they were talking about those luggage of the artists. Then I saw Raymond Cho, he was wearing black, and his sunglasses. Then Yiu Tze-Leng, (evil cousin of Ron in “Revolving Door of Vengeance”, hehe). I didn’t even know she was also here in Genting in the first place. Initially, I thought she was one of the crew. When I heard someone calling her name then only I came to realize she was Tze-Leng. She stopped right in front of me when one of the staff called her to check her luggage or something. She looked cool, again, like Raymod Cho, was wearing her sunglasses. Still looked pretty though. By the first glance, she really looked alike Toby Leung. But she smiled when one of the fan called out her name.

Next to show up was Ron, he was wearing black long sleeves shirt with white horizontal lines, again, wearing sunglasses. He actually looked great and friendly. (This was actually my first time praising him, haha). He flashed us his smiles and he even shake with some of the fans. When he’s nearing where I stand, I called “Ah Ron”, then he sort of like looked up & smile. Oww yes, I nearly shake hand with him, too bad, my hand wasn’t long enough. Sigh, history repeating again! Just now was Fung, and now Ron. A couple of minutes passed by, no one appeared.

Then there was a group of people near the lifts area, well the first thing that came to my mind was, “Oh, the security guards must be discussing something there”. Suddenly, heard my friend said “Lam Fung”. OMG, I was so damned slow & dumb. The crowd there were actually the fans, some of them were taking pics with Fung. Then I moved forward & tried snap some pics of Fung. But then the security guards asked Fung to start walking & preventing the others from taking pics with Fung. The guards sort of like formed a line at both sides of Fung. Since the guards were blocking us, I had no choice but to move forward to the electronic door (电子门), actually nearing the exit. The bus was just right outside. In the meanwhile, Fung was walking towards our direction. My heart was actually beating rapidly. When he’s really near, I called “Ah Fung”, as usual, he flashed his 1000watt smiles and I extended my hand, and HE SHAKED my hand! Gosh, OMG Fung’s right hand & my tiny little right hand. My mind went totally blank right that moment. His hand was soft, it’s so unlike any other of my male friends. ^^ My hand was so cold due to the weather. I wondered how he felt when he touched my cold hand. Hehe, Im sorry, Ah Fung. His was not too cold, and not too warm either. Just nice. Perfect! I didn’t even know how to react. Oh, I was such a fool! I knew I should had seized this golden opportunity & speak to him. But I didnt, my mind was like stop functioning all in a sudden, & I just stayed speechless. Instead, he’s the one that spoke to me, and my friends, “呢度天气好冻,要小心茵住…” (try to read in Cantonese) ~ something along that line. Woah, felt so warm instantly after hearing this. Aww, such a considerate Ah Fung! He shake with Moon & wawa too which were standing right beside me. I was actually hugging wawa after Fung walked out of the door. And I cried, Okay, precisely, just shedding some tears of happiness. Never thought he would say such thing. Hmm, perhaps I wouldn’t have cried if he didn’t say those sentimental lines.

Then we waited for the rest of the artists like Moses, Myolie, Bernice& Kevin. Again, I was told Moses already went up to the bus. I was like “Huh? When? How come I didn’t notice?”…then they were teasing me, “Sigh, all you care is Fung, that’s why you didn’t notice.” Hehe, Moses actually came out right after or before Raymond Cho. Right then, I saw some people rushing out to the bus waiting area, out of curiousity, I went along. Man, it’s freezing outside! Then I saw Ron standing near the door of the bus. I took his pic since he’s standing & posing there. Then he extended his hand to help someone on his left to get up the bus…such gentleman ey! Thought it was some lady or the crew. OMG, it’s Fung!!! Once again, I felt like slapping myself. Aww! Then Ron helped Fung get up to the bus. Then I heard someone saying that Fung was arranging his luggage down there just now. If I had known earlier…Ahh! Then, after 5mins, the bus left.


中文版: 070120畢生難忘的經歷 – Astro華麗台電視劇大獎2006

晚上6:30 – 走進"云星劇場"

晚上6:45 – 掙扎和猶豫著要不要走進紅地毯的範圍. 最後我還是沒有走到那裡, 怕外面人太多, 而且以我的體形和高度, 我懷疑連看峯一眼都未必能夠做到. 嘻嘻, 所以我還是留在裡面比較好, 那裡有兩個大螢幕播放整個走紅地毯的過程(就跟看電視差不多). 而且我還有我的攝影師(Moon)在那裡 – 她拿了我的相機衝到外面看红地毯了, 哈哈.

晚上7:20 – 藝人們開始一個個的踏上紅地毯. 我實在沒有甚麼可以說的了, 因為我根本不在場. 很可惜吧?

晚上8:00後 – 我的興奮和期待逐漸增加, 因為我知道峯從現在開始隨時會在紅地毯上出現. 所以, 我把全部注意力集中到那個螢幕上(嗯, 我仍然在”云星劇場”裡面的座位上坐著). 突然, 呀! 峯到場了! 之後, 從螢幕上, 我看到很多蜂蜜在那裡. 當峯和他的同伴最後走到紅地毯那個舞台的時候(他們會在那裡接受主持人的訪問), 银幕上的聲音被關掉了. 天啊! 我只可以在螢幕上看到峯, 但聽不到他的聲音. 我一面在嘗試猜他在說些甚麼, 一面在暗暗的咒罵Astro. 呀! 為甚麼他們偏要選在這個時候啊? 之後, 我開始等待峯走進"云星劇場", 嘻嘻. 當峯一踏進這裡, 我可以聽到那些尖叫声 – "阿峯! 阿峯!" 當然, 我也是其中之一, 哈哈. 節目開始之前, 我打了通電話給我弟, 但是我媽接聽了. 我媽說她也正在收看華麗台電視劇大獎的現場直播, 但她看不到我. 她當然看不到我, 因為這裡人太多了. 我實在太興奮了, 我告訴她我將會拿著一個"林峯"的藍色牌, 上面有鮮黃色的字, 叫她留意一個穿著紅色毛衣拿著黃色螢光棒的人.

晚上8:30至凌晨1:10 – Astro華麗台電視劇大獎2006來了. 第一個頒發的獎項就是峯在"Yummy Yummy"的角色獎, 蜂蜜又再一次尖叫和揮動螢光棒. 是的, 再一次, 我是其中之一. 雖然我不是很喜欢"鵝少"這個角色, 但我真替他高興. 嘻嘻, 但他在拿獎之後并沒有回到他的座位, 所以我就在猜测該是快到他表演那"歌舞"的時候了, 他就在那裡等Ron. 過了一會之後, 表演開始了. 哇!! 太興奮了! 說真的, 在這個歌舞環節的時間我是忙極了. 我一時要注意著舞台, 一時又要看著電視螢幕, 之後我又要調整我的相機變換焦距來拍照, 然後又要拿著那個"峯"牌和螢光棒, 還要尖叫著. 不過在我看來, 峯和Ron兩人的舞步並沒有在香港那個女童軍活動時那麼好. 請不要怪我這麼說, 我只是實話實說而已, 嘻嘻. 整個節目下來, 鄭嘉穎, 陳豪和廖碧兒都頗友善. 曹永廉和胡杏兒也是. 在一個廣告時段, 陳豪和碧兒還站起來讓觀眾和傳媒拍照. 老實說, 他們一起頗合襯的. 陳豪還幫碧兒披上圍巾(如果我沒有弄錯应该是圍巾吧, 因為距離頗遠, 所以我看得不是很清楚, 嘻嘻) , 因為雲頂高原的氣溫甚冷的(我猜是在攝氏20度或更低一點吧). 之後我又看到嘉穎時不時向觀眾揮手. 曹永廉也是一樣, 其實他在這兒也有頗多粉絲呢. 峯也是啊, 有時候他會轉过头来向观众席的我們笑笑, 還有向觀眾揮手. 在大多数的廣告時段他都不在座位上, 我就想他究竟去了哪裡呢… 可能是去了洗手間吧?? Ron, 嗯在我看來, Ron有點酷. 對啊, 他是有向觀眾揮手, 不過有幾次我聽到粉絲們在狂叫"Ron… 吴卓羲…" 但他都沒怎么回應.

節目在晚上10:45完結. Moon說藝人們之後會從後台出來的, 所以我們便跑到近後台的前端位置等待他們出來, 希望可以近距離的看一看他們. 我們看見阿叻, 猜想他是第一個出來的人. 之後我便到洗手間去了. 當我正在洗手間洗手的時候, 我聽到一些聲響. 當我飛奔出來時, Moon告訴我峯剛走了. 哎, 我錯失機會了! 那時我真受了打撃, 為甚麼我偏要在這個時候去洗手間呢?

之後我們便離開"云星劇場", 我那時當然是充滿了失望之情的, 我想我將無法再見峯了. 不過, 離開的時候, 我們看到一群人聚集在主題公園酒店(Theme Park Hotel) (它就在"云星劇場"旁邊). 所以, 我們也加入人群中. 嘻嘻, 根據我的經驗, 當有大批人聚集在一起而保安人員又嚴陣以待的話就表示有將點"甚麼"了. 所以, 我們就在那裡等. 接著我便看到碧兒, 陳豪, 曹永廉, 其後是峯, 嘉穎. 之後我便問我的朋友Ron和杏兒到哪裡去了. 她告訴我說Ron和杏兒是跟峯一道來的. 噢, 我猜一定是因為那時我的注意力全放到峯身上了, 所以我竟沒有留意到Ron和杏兒來了. 藝人們走過走廊向樓梯前進, 而我却不知道他們要到哪裡去的. 我想他們是出席慶功宴, 那將會在大概一個半小時之後就出來吧. 嘻嘻, 這又是我另一個猜測.

我們到了這酒店內的咖啡店, 點了黑森林和冰咖啡. 我們只是坐在那裡啜飲著我們的飲品, 等待著藝人們出來. 之後, 我和Moon走到外面拍照去. 突然, Wawa致电我並說藝人們快出來了, 因為她剛看到阿叻從樓梯步上. 之後等了約20分鐘, 我們看到了碧兒, 曹永廉, Ron, 峯, 杏兒, 陳豪和嘉穎. 我在等待峯的時候已經準備好了我的相機, 但當峯出現的時候, 我卻完全忘記要拍他. 我只顧著伸出我的手, 但在我前面有一個大個子阻擋著我. 跟他相比, 我是何等嬌小啊. 要不是那大個子阻著我, 還有很小的距離 (大概有3至4寸吧) 我便可以跟峯握到手了. 我那時真想砍人啊. 之後有人告訴我們藝人們將會住在雲頂酒店(Genting Hotel).

早上5:05 – 目的地 ~ 云顶酒店
当抵达酒店大堂时,并没有发现其他影迷的踪迹。等待了5分钟之后,依然没见到其他人。于是我们询问其中一位的酒店职员。天啊,我们竟然搞错了!我们被告知凡是来云顶的明星艺人都会入住~ 高原酒店 (不知道这名字翻译得对吗。。。)。好的,目的地换成高原酒店。我的天,匆忙之下,不晓得是出于过度兴奋还是过度疲劳,竟然走错路了。天啊,拐错弯,结果把我们领到错的地方。最后,终于抵达目的地。我见到在电梯附近的自动扶梯站了一些保安人员。嘻嘻,我们来对地点了。哇,真的好冷,虽然穿了一件高领毛线衣,但依然觉得很冷。墙上显示着摄氏20.7度。

大约早上5:40,听到保安人员对着报话机 (walkie-talkie) 对话,隐隐约约听到“搬的野上车先。。。”。门外有一辆巴士正等待着。我很肯定他们所指的是艺人们的行李。然后,我看到曹永廉,他身穿黑色及戴上了墨镜。接着就是姚子羚(酒店风云里饰演Ron的邪恶表妹,嘻嘻)。我并不晓得原来她也到了云顶。起初,我还以为她是其中一位的工作人员。当我听到现场有人呼叫她的名字时,我才恍然大悟她是姚子羚。当其中一位工作人员把她叫停,好像是检查行李或是什么的,她刚刚好在我面前停下。子羚看起来蛮冷酷的,也和曹永廉一样戴上了墨镜。但依然漂亮。第一眼看子羚,觉得还挺像梁靖琦的 (男人之苦里Ron的老婆)。。。当其中一位影迷呼叫她时,子羚顿时展开笑容。

接着出现的是阿Ron,他身穿一件黑色长袖+白色横条的上衣,一样是戴上了墨镜。其实Ron 还蛮好看的,也很友善。(这可是我第一次称赞Ron,哈哈)。他向众人展示笑容,而且还和当中一些影迷握手。当他接近我站的位置时,我叫了声“阿Ron”,之后他把头抬了起来并微笑。哦,对了,我差点就和Ron 握手了,但不幸的,我的手不够长啦。哎,又历史重演了!刚刚是阿峰,现在是Ron。几分钟过去了,但是并没有人出现。

接着有一群人聚集在电梯附近。在我脑海里闪过的第一个念头是“噢,那些保安人员一定是在那儿讨论什么的”。突然,听到我朋友说“林峰”。我的天,我怎么反应那么迟钝和缓慢。那群人原来是峰的fans,有些还和峰合照呢。我移步往前,并尝试想要拍一些峰的照片。但保安人员示意峰继续往前走,并阻止其他人和峰合照。保安人员就像在峰的两旁排成两支队伍。由于保安人员阻挡着我们,在毫无选择之下,我只好往电动门那儿移动,也就是出口处附近。巴士就在外面。同时间,峰正朝我们的方向走过来。我的心其实跳得还蛮快的。当他很靠近时,我叫了声“阿峰”,就像平时般,他露出他那1000watt 的笑容 (不好意思,我忘了watt的中文是什么了),而我则伸出我的手,峰和我握手了!啊,天啊,峰的右手和我那芊芊及小小的右手。那一瞬间,我的头脑一片空白。峰的手软绵绵的,和我其他男性朋友很不一样。^^ 因为天气的关系,我的手都冷冰冰的。真好奇他触碰到我那冰冰的手时会是什么感觉呢?嘻嘻,对不起哦,峰。峰的手不是很冷但也不是很暖。刚刚好,很完美!我都不知道该怎么反应。哎,我真是有够蠢的!我知道我是应该好好把握这难得的机会和峰说说话。但是,我的脑子突然间就好像停止了一切操作般,一句话都没说。反而是峰先开口和我,还有我的姐妹们说话~“呢度天气好冻,要小心茵住。。。”之类的话 (这句要以广东话来念)。哇,听了这句话顿时觉得蛮温暖的。噢,很贴心的峰!他也和站在我身边的Moon及wawa握手。峰走出门口之后,我给了wawa一个拥抱。我哭了,好的,嗯,正确来说,那可是因为开心而掉的眼泪。从没想过他会说出那些话。嗯,我在想要不是峰说了那些贴心感性的话,我应该不会哭吧。

之后我们继续等待其余的艺人,例如陈豪,杏儿,碧儿和家颖等。又再一次,我被告知陈豪早已经上巴士了。我就问道:“哈。。。什么时候?为什么我都没发现到?”朋友还取笑我说:“哎,你只留意峰,难怪你没注意到”。嘻嘻,原来陈豪是在曹永廉之前或之后就已经出来了。就在这时候,我见到有些人冲出外面的巴士等待区,好奇心驱使下,我也跟着走了出去。哇,外面真的很冷耶!我见到Ron就站在巴士门处。由于Ron是站着并摆着pose,所以我就照了他的相。然后见到Ron伸出手,帮一位在他左手边的人上车。。。蛮有风度的哦!心想那一定是女生或是工作人员的。我的天啊,那是峰!!再一次的,我很想给自己一巴掌。啊!然后Ron 帮忙拉峰上车。之后,我听到某人说道峰其实刚才在巴士下面整理他的行李。如果我早一点知道。。。啊!5分钟之后,那巴士就开走了。


Monday, January 29, 2007

[Magazine Scans] TVB Magazine Issue 502: 《盛世連年》群星齊賀豬年 + 華麗台頒獎禮 & 祝捷會 + TVB至详尽乱爆关系图 (东方新地462期) -- 29/1/2007



[Click To Enlarge]

[Newspapers Scans + Article] 情场峰头趸 @ 大马南洋商报 + 林峰当自强不依赖父母! -- 29/1/2007

[Newspapers Scans] 情场峰头趸 @ 大马南洋商报

[Click To Enlarge]


[Article] 林峰当自强不依赖父母!






林峰自小在一 个大家庭中成长,比起<岁月风云>中的大家庭还要大,他形容家族亲戚遍布世界各地,很多时候出去工作就会与当地亲戚相认.这次他演富家子角色一顶会驾轻就熟?他说,现实中他生一那个没有选择机会,而且与剧中富家子接色完全不同,“二世祖” 没有生活压力,只会伸手向父母拿钱,追求享受生活,岁人为人聪明但不想踏入社会工作,相反现实生活中他的压力相当大,由于他是长子嫡孙,所以要做个好榜样,家族对他的期望很高,压力可谓比一般人要大. 家族有压力......工作有压力......做大哥哥有压力,林峰如何减压?


林峰是一个不服输的人,生活压力下反令他有动力,加上天生不可以衰的性格,当初他选择吃娱乐圈这行饭,他决意在自己的领域做出成绩,首先他证明了有能力养活自己,近年他没有再出“伸手牌”向父母要钱,在弟弟面前做个 好榜样.

期待拍拖 未遇意中人

作为第三代长子嫡孙继后香灯责任重大林峰表示“母亲也问我什么时候找个女朋友睡觉都没时间哪有时间拍拖入行八年一剧接一剧没停过.”被问到是否想拍拖林峰毫不掩饰,“当然想(峰吧的FANS注意 把握机会) 可惜么有机会重要稍聊多两句有丁点风吹草动就被人跟踪拍照也许还没有遇到有个而已被人任写任排的对象,努力工作先啦”
