Raymond Lam's Illustration

The Illustration -- Raymond Lam Fung 林峰

Raymond Lam's Illustration

Michael's Blog -- Raymond Lam's Illustration

其实我们一直在痛苦和磨难中艰挺过来的, 光明从未追随过我们, 但我们仍然期待在人生的下一个转弯处可以找到活路! 否则, 无非就是一起走向死亡!

Friday, December 15, 2006

[Article] Raymond Lam Fung; You're The Best Idol in The World - 15/12/2006

Including today, 15th December 2006, I have become a supportive fan of Raymond Lam Fung for 1 year and 9 ½ months. Well, all of you must have wanted to know why a male like me will turn to be a fan of Raymond. Each time while telling my friends that my idol is Raymond, they will ask: “What’s good about Raymond?”. Of course Raymond has a lot of admirable qualities. Or else, do I still seek him as my idol?

Raymond Lam, 27, born with a silver spoon in his mouth in Xiamen, China actually has a lot of good personalities – nice, kind, friendly, caring, loving, polite, conscienscious, handsome, cool, hardworking, good in acting and singing, intelligent, smart, etc. 28th February 2005 – a red-letter day which will forever be embedded in my mind. It is an extreme meaningful day for me as starting from that day, I begin to admire Raymond. His character as Kau Zhong in Twin of Brothers is really awesome and this caught my attention to him throughout the whole series. He is quite naughty there, a big boy who like to put a fight on with Yuk Chi. However, at here, I would like to take an opportunity to thank a girl from my class profusely. If she does not lend me Twin of Brothers [which I bought later] and I do not know her, I would not be able to admire Raymond and this article will not be appearing in my blog and Raymond Forest.

Maybe because of Twin of Brothers, I admire Raymond. Maybe because of Lethal Weapons of Love and Passion [FYFY], I have become a loyal fan of Raymond. Maybe because of La Femme Desperado, I have become a forever Raymond’s fan. Raymond Lam is a nice, kind, and friendly person which can clearly be seen both in characters on TV screen and in his real life. Although I had only seen him for two times during his function in Penang and in TV City, Hong Kong, it is enough. It is already enough to tell me that this guy is nice and kind-hearted. When I met him in Hong Kong, I knocked him accidentally and all my Biology notes fell on the floor but he was kind enough to help me to pick up my notes. [When I knocked him, I did not know that the guy is HIM; I read Biology that time as my SPM exam was just around the corner] In real life, he is kind and friendly to everyone; his family, his friends and all his fans. Wherever he goes, there will be fans of him, hoping to take a glance at him, taking photographs and the most important, AUTOGRAPH. He is not frustrated although his fans crowd him while he is busy filming a series. He tries as hard as he could to fulfill all his fans’ demands. He also spares some of his precious time to go to Fung’s Label and Fung Forever to leave some message to his fans. He is nice to everyone too. He is happy while mixing with others. Although he has not worked with Roger and Steven together, he still can socialize well with them and fools around like a bunch of high-school teenagers. I like him for he always put a smile on his face wherever he is, no wonder Melissa calls him a “Sunshine Boy”.

Lethal Weapons of Love and Passion is one of the greatest series of Raymond that I have ever seen. As a cool character of Fung Hang Lit, he indeed looks boring and monotones. Nevertheless, if you look deeper, he is actually a caring and loving person. This can be seen through his love to the Mongolians, Chun Mong Yew, Gun Bing Wan, Hon Pak and etc. Even though Gun Bing Wan lies to him for umpteen times, he still cares for her. Although Chun Mong Yew misunderstands that he has stolen the rain-ceasing sword, he is not disappointed, he just continues to show his love for her. Although Hon Pak seeks him as an enemy after knowing the truth, he still helps him (Hon Pak) by hurting himself in the end. Do not see Kau Zhong as an evil character. He also shows his greatest love for Lei Sau Ning and Song Yuk Chi in Twin of Brothers. Raymond in real life also cares and loves for others, especially his family and his pet, Mimi. As his car has only two seats, it is difficult to fetch his brother and his sister to travel together. Thus, he decides to buy another car in the future which has more seats. I am thinking and wishing, if Raymond becomes my eldest brother one day… Although I know that this is impossible, I still hope that it will turn to be a reality.

For those reporters who had interviewed Raymond before, they will know that Raymond is a courteous person. After an interview or photographs session, Raymond will bow and thank those reporters in a polite way. Could u find a star which will bow and thank to the reporter after being interviewed? Maybe because of these reasons, I admire him even more deeply. Another praising quality which I would like to emulate is his hard work to proof that he can. I think you all still remember Daniel’s words in Yummy Yummy: “If you think you can, you can”. Raymond tries to work hard and now he has become a well-known actor and popular not only in mainland, China, but also in overseas such as Malaysia. His recent modern TVB Series, La Femme Desperado managed to peak high ratings – 41 points and won the best series award during the anniversary. He works hard to proof that he is not depending at all on his father’s relationship with TVB to become famous. In your view, has Raymond succeeded in proofing to everyone? Nonetheless, he is quite conscienscious. He cares about his appearance. There was one time when he was being interviewed in Malaysia; the reporter said that he often looked himself in the small mirror that he grabbed from his pocket. Nevermind, man also wants to be handsome and looks nice, right? It is not wrong at all. He also shows his conscienscious in his series. For a good example, in Survivor’s Law, he makes a handbag for Ah Ling; in Twin of Brothers, he makes a grass ring for Sau Ning; in Lethal Weapons of Love and Passion, he makes grasshopper and birds for Mong Yew. [Looks like Raymond is professional in using this type of method to “chase” the female] Those stuffs are really nice and cute. Of course he does this to show his great love to the female characters, is it romantic?

From stepping into entertainment showbiz until now, all his hard work have been paid. He won a lot of awards, such as most improved character, best theme song, favourite character, and recently, in Astro Awards, he managed to win BEST ACTOR AWARD, which he had dreamt for a long time. [Looks like my 8 votes for Kau Zhong is useful too] Besides good in acting, Raymond also has a good singing skill especially “Realise” (Lethal Weapons of Love and Passion sub theme song) which I have heard for N times. I do not know why, I really love his voice because his voice is INDEED VERY GOOD! And again, I do not know why, if I am sad, after hearing “Realise”, I will be calmed down and become happy back. I really agree the statement saying that Raymond makes a fan happy. Each time while buying VCD in rental store, I will just grab the VCD if I see “Lam Fung” in the list. Therefore, I hope that Raymond will release an album soon. Although I know that the original one will cost an arm and a leg, I will try my best to get it as I support him. Remember, Raymond loves to sleep when he does not need to film. He is quite intelligent as he knows how to steal some times to sleep. There is one time while filming Twin of Brothers, when he is being made-up, he is actually sleeping! The in charged put a tissue beside [Said by Ron] his mouth, fearing of the “water” which may flow out from his mouth, ha-ha! He is smart in using his eyes to show different feelings while filming. Fung Hang Lit in Lethal Weapons of Love and Passion, [all the fans have known about it] through his eyes with shining blue contact lenses, we can know that he is a cool person and his feelings at that time – sad, angry, strange, showing love for Chun Mong Yew, etc. Well, all of us like to see him in contact lenses. He looks nice with that.

Having all these admirable qualities, everyone likes Raymond, I like Raymond! You can see the results; Raymond has become very popular now and his fans are increasing from seconds to seconds. Well, let’s wish Raymond’s dreams will become true and he will be success in the future. I hope that he will film more and more great series; sing a lot of nice songs.

Raymond Lam Fung – You are the best!
By: Michael @ 15/12/2006
Merry Christmas to Everyone

[Function] Raymond's Function During Christmas - 15/12/2006



[消息]16/12/2006 活动

特別嘉賓:16/12 - 林峰先生、唐詩詠小姐
17/12 - 馬國明先生、廖碧兒小姐


有關16/12 當日安排:


(在時間不足的情況一下, 無會服者可能不被安排合照)

* 因為是次為寵物活動, 所以FUNG會帶同Mimi一起出席!
集合地點:上水火車站 (美心快餐門口)

集合時間: 13:15

[Images] Vancouver City Airport, Canada - 15/12/2006

[Images] TVB 2007 Calendar - 15/12/2006

[雜誌壹周刊第 875 期] 林 峯 調 戲 佘 詩 曼 - 15/12/2006

林 峯 調 戲 佘 詩 曼

無 線 同 中 央 台 合 作 嘅 新 劇 《 歲 月 風 雲 》 , 早 排 拍 攝 大 隊 分 批 去 溫 哥 華 拍 外 景 , 而 戲中 比 較 多 對 手 戲 的 林峯 佘 詩 曼 , 就 一 齊 响 上 星 期 三 ( 六 日 ) 坐 中 午 機 起 程 。啱啱 俾 雜 誌 寫 完 姣 無 線 三 小 生 , 阿 佘 一 樣 無 有 怕 , 仲 候 機 室 同 林 峯 玩 到 hehehaha 。著 定 羽 絨 戴 埋 冷 帽嘅 林 峯 , 不 斷 笑 淫 淫 講 電 話 , 其 間 , 佢 仲 俾 個 電 話 阿 佘 聽 , 阿 佘 霎 時 欲 拒 還 迎 , 兩 個 玩 得 好 開 心 , 話 之 其 他 乘 客 眼 望 望 。正 式 同 陳 浩 民 分 手 , 單 身 阿 佘 當 然 有 權 任 玩 , 睇 埋 佢 件 T 恤 嘅 英 文 「 You're a naughty boy come to my room 」 , 咁 挑 逗 , 難 怪 阿 佘 咁 多 緋 聞 嘅 !

阿 佘 同 林峯 大 庭 廣 眾 玩 電 話 耍 花 槍 , 難 怪 會 俾 人 寫 佢 姣 小 生 。
無 線 雖 然 只 安 排 經 濟 客 位 , 但 由 於 坐 正 逃 生 門 , 林 峯 整 個 機 程 都 瞓 得 好 舒 服
大 班 溫 哥 華 fans 收 晒 風 接 機 , 現 場 所 見 , 阿 佘 ( 圓 圈 ) fans 人 數 比 林 峯 多 。

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

[Interview + Drama Series Magazine Issue 147] Shui Yuet Fung Wan: Raymond Lam + Myolie Wu - 13/12/2006

[Click to Enlarge]

[Magazine] Raymond Lam - Releasing Stress Birthday Party - 13/12/2006

Monday, December 11, 2006

[Article] 圣诞节最有意义的礼物 - 11/12/2006

[圣诞节原创] 圣诞节最有意义的礼物



讲到阿峰,自己其实亦辛苦不少,不过这都是自己拿来的。相信大家都知道偶刚考完会考,当然在家中就了觉得很空闲、很闷;也许因为如此,即心血来潮,下定决心重看阿峰的最佳著作――「覆雨翻云」。星期六那一天[即阿峰生日的第二天],为了赶完第11至16集,便淋着大雨回家,到家后就马上坐在电视前观赏「覆雨翻云」,一看就看到凌晨2:30。结果第二天起来后就发大高烧,一度达到40度(还好没打破阿峰在大唐时的41度,还要打针、掉糖水),眼睛也充满了血丝,甚至比阿峰来得更加严重,好像一双“红肿的熊猫眼”,所以昨天中午偶只上来玉树一阵,即倒在床上睡到了现在。唉!到现在双眼虽没那么红肿了,可是总觉得头很重、昏昏欲坠似的。不过,偶现在还是硬着头皮爬上来玉树赶完偶的原创,要不然等下没有灵感就写不出了!昨晚睡了一整天时,偶又梦见阿峰了,这已经是本周的第二次,总共18次了。那时的阿峰(刚好是圣诞节) 现身在偶家中,并为偶签了7张照片,可说是偶今年最棒的圣诞礼物。阿峰虽对偶这个峰蜜蛮好的,但脸上那阳光灿烂的微微笑容却失去了,也许这一场梦想告诉偶他拍「岁月风云」很辛苦!




By: Michael

[Article] A Conversation Between Raymond and A Female Fan in Vancouver, Canada - 11/12/2006


昨晚我告诉她,明天早上8点你一定要起来。他们回来得晚,起得比你早。可可说一定。可是今天早上九点半,我充满希望地CALL她:“你找到他了吗?她大小姐刚刚被我从梦中喊醒:“我起不来!”我急:“还不去看看!”于是她立刻窜出去。过了会儿,她报告,没人!我晕死,最后一次机会 -- 没了!

可可是个漂亮可爱的女孩,可是就是有点迷糊加没心没肺。从没单身旅行的她,在温哥华没有朋友,却毅然地飞来见她的偶像。我之前并不认识她,因为我接机没带相机,于是让她给我EMAIL照片。她是提着行李在机场等峰的。于是我们互相合作,一个追峰,一个提行李,合作很愉快! 然后,正好我回DOWNTOWN的公司,她的HOTEL也在DOWNTOWN,所以我送她回HOTEL。








1:00PM,可可在必须CHECK OUT的最后一分钟,完成了使命。就象一部惊险电影,最后一分钟化解危机。

我和可可从此结下了革命友谊。她是天上掉下的妹妹,我在机场检到了她。她住的DOWNTOWN酒店又贵又不好,于是我安排她住到RADISSON HOTEL守株待峰(记得我探班日记二里说我又想到了办法?)。RADISSON HOTEL条件比原先那个不知要好多少!我拿到的价格比原来的酒店还要好。



最后,我想对峰说,下次见到你,咱能不能不戴那个帽子?你戴帽子当然帅,可你不戴帽子的时候,更帅呢!^ - ^



Poor Raymond, working hard until he downs with flu... Hope he recovers soon!

[Article] Gallen Lo's Opinion On TVB New Generation Siu Sang + One Tai Gik Image - 11/12/2006

苹果日报 2006.12.10

新 扎 小 生 点 将 录

无 线 近 年 力 捧 黄 宗 泽 、 吴 卓 羲 、 林 峰 、 郑 嘉 颖 和 马 国 明 五 位 新 扎 小 生 , 在 罗 嘉 良 眼 中 , 各 人 风 格 各 异 , 由 嘉 良 评 评 後 辈 , 且 看 哪 位 是 他 的 心 水 上 位 人 选 。

黄 宗 泽 沉 实 大 体

「 佢 几 沉 实 , 睇 佢 同 胡 杏 儿 嘅 新 闻 , 佢 处 理 得 唔 错 , 都 几 大 体 , 会 讲 吓 笑 , 氹 吓 人 开 心 , 咁 件 事 又 过 去 啦 。 睇 佢 演 戏 呢 , 佢 唔 会 做 啲 嘢 哗 众 取 宠 抢 镜 , 系 做 好 本 份 , 好 可 取 。 」

吴 卓 羲 形 格 俱 备

「 佢 好 尊 重 我 , 有 次 喺 Joyce 撞 到 佢 , 佢 以 为 我 拍 长 剧 , 仲 话 『 你 返 去 呀 ? 希 望 同 你 再 合 作 呀 ! 』 佢 外 形 几 好 , 有 潜 质 , 佢 有 佢 性 格 。 至 於 话 佢 跳 舞 点 样 , 以 我 自 己 经 验 嚟 睇 , 以 前 我 都 试 过 唱 歌 演 戏 , 但 handle 唔 到 , 所 以 当 时 咪 死 罗 , 分 配 好 紧 要 架 , 结 果 自 己 选 择 放 弃 唱 歌 先 。 吴 卓 羲 遇 到 呢 啲 难 题 , 就 要 考 虑 吓 点 做 。 」

林 峰 演 技 跃 进

「 佢 做 《 女 人 唔 易 做 》 有 进 步 , 拍 《 流 金 岁 月 》 时 , 佢 当 我 系 个 大 哥 哥 , 会 打 电 话 同 我 联 络 , 佢 对 我 唔 错 。 林 峰 , 要 把 握 好 每 一 次 机 会 , 我 好 期 待 睇 佢 嘅 《 岁 月 风 云 》 。 」

郑 嘉 颖 经 历 搭 够

「 我 冇 同 佢 合 作 过 , 亦 都 因 为 自 己 唔 喺 香 港 , 睇 唔 到 佢 嘅 演 出 , 但 知 道 佢 依 家 有 好 多 机 会 , 咁 佢 以 前 都 有 好 多 经 历 , 见 佢 依 家 咁 都 戥 佢 开 心 , 相 信 佢 会 好 好 把 握 。 」

马 国 明 黑 马 之 选

「 佢 系 一 只 黑 马 , 佢 系 几 乖 、 几 听 话 嘅 艺 员 。 佢 攞 咗 个 飞 跃 进 步 男 艺 员 奖 , 恭 喜 佢 , 佢 有 前 途 嘅 , 佢 个 样 成 熟 啲 , 都 几 好 、 几 舒 服
。 」

Tai Gik Image: Myolie + Raymond

[Article] 【转贴】GIGI 姐的博客林峯生日Party - (12月11日)


第一塲戏是我们三人在露天茶座演的,导演很聪明,在英伦湾 (English Bay)摆了四张枱, 几张櫈就有那种味道.这麼一来, 远景既有Burrard桥, 对岸更有天文馆, 整个温哥华特色都呈现了!

那天很冷,清晨气温只有摄氏4度,加上在海旁,寒风凛凛 ,我和林峯都冷得发抖,亚佘却气定神闲,看得我目定口呆 ,原来这小妮子身上贴了21个暖贴,啊,难怪!真醒目!

完了这塲戏,他们都要休息两小时,因为要拍苗侨伟与刘松仁兄弟在海 边对打的戏,(听说亚苗挨了松哥三拳哩!)我趁机带他们到Down town逛逛,在Fourseasons Hotel吃了个午飧,华藉女侍应见到林峯笑开了颜,特别优待 ,将两欵不同的汤都端上,免得他伤脑筋选择.饮食部经理 Liza(我的好友)还签了单,我这东道主作不成,还沾了他们的光哩!

12月8号是林峯的生日,"晨光活现温哥华"的节目主持何活权在第 一时间选播了他的"领会"给他贺寿.

这天亦正好安排全体工作人员放工後齐齐用饍,我跟"怡园 "老板要求加添寿包,因为林峯已切了五个生日疍糕 ,我就给他换换口味吧!


汤盈盈拍了两天戏,著了凉,迫得改期返港,恐拍她为东华筹欵的演出 项目要取消了!

GIGI 姐有夸峰和蜂蜜啊



Sunday, December 10, 2006

[Images] Some Pics of Raymond with Fans in Vancouver City, Canada - 10/12/2006


[News + Article] 林峯對著手機狂啜 + Rain Li Greeted Raymond Happy Birthday in Her Blog - 10/12/2006










   未知是否傾得過份投入,即使記者走埋身邊拍照也未有察覺,記者走近林峯身邊時,聽到他正跟電話中人說﹕「哈﹗咁你想點丫﹖嘿嘿嘿,啊﹗你敢﹖我會好Hurt o架……」認真骨痹﹗林大少lum女確有一手。肉麻情話傾極唔完,直至記者聽到林峯以嬌俏聲線講「拜拜﹗」時,發現他突然興起,把電話放在嘴邊連啜兩啖,嘩﹗唔使呀﹖


Rain Li Greeted Raymond Happy Birthday in Her Blog

