Raymond Lam's Illustration

The Illustration -- Raymond Lam Fung 林峰

Raymond Lam's Illustration

Michael's Blog -- Raymond Lam's Illustration

其实我们一直在痛苦和磨难中艰挺过来的, 光明从未追随过我们, 但我们仍然期待在人生的下一个转弯处可以找到活路! 否则, 无非就是一起走向死亡!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

[Function] Raymond Lam First Concert (Part 1+2) -- 18/6/2009



開場時,他已急不及待跟女舞蹈員大跳貼身舞,林峰要傾銷身體,由兩位女舞蹈員支撐他,其中一個雙腳朝天撐住林峰肚皮,十分貼近「小峯」,幸而女舞蹈員訓練有素,高根鞋沒有踩中「小峯」!有驚無險,他亦鬆了一口氣。 作為師姐的泳兒,一身低胸性感短裙助陣,令演唱會生色不少。


Raymond Lam's all-first concert was held at HK International Sports Arena, Hong Goon starting from 17-18th June 2009. Most of his best friends such as Ron Ng, Charmaine Sheh, Joyce Cheng, Ken Hung, his mother, TVB Artistes Department Manager, Ms Lok Yi Ling, Emperor Entertainment Group CEO, Ng Yu, EEG Artistes Department Manager, Fok Man Hei came to support him. Well, this time he dyed his hair into gold colour with little of green (I can't accept that!!!)

There is some non-important part here to translate. Next, Miriam Yeung, Yong-er, Michael Tse, Wong Zou Lam also became his concert special guests.
Other relevant info from media is all the sits were full.