[Big News: HOT!] 阿佘駕寶馬車險撞到林峰 -- 13/1/2007
(星島日報報道) 別看佘詩曼嬌滴滴,她駕車時是令人聞風喪膽的「小辣椒」,昨日佘詩曼與林為新劇《歲月風雲》拍攝外景,劇情講述阿佘駕寶馬車險撞到林,但她險些弄假成真,教人替林捏一把汗,林亦高呼﹕「好驚呀!」
佘诗曼多次撞车不怕受伤 争做司机险撞伤林峰
P/S: Some Fung’s fans said that if Charmaine really knocked down Fung, then she must watch out. Huh... I thought that it was a real news; Charmaine really gave me a scare! Charmaine should learn driving more cautiously... keke...
P/S: The number “748” means “Go To Die”. TVB needs to change the plat number! ^_^
Original Newspaper:
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English Version Translation From The Beehive:
Don't think that Charmaine is just cute, when she drives, she's a "little pepper" that scares others. Yesterday, Charmaine and Raymond Lam were filming for "The Legendary Era", and the scene was about Charmaine driving a BMW, nearly crashing Raymond. However, she almost crashed into Raymond for real, the instructor was frightened for Raymond, and Raymond himself also said, "So Scared!"
In the past, the cars Charmaine drove that had car accidents were all BMW. IT was a coincidence that yesterday's car was a BMW too, and the scene is just like her past. Charmaine is supposed to pretend to crash into Raymond while driving. In the begining, Charmaine didn't need to drive, so the crew drove for her. However, Raymond wanted to be the "driver", and yelled, "Let me try! I know how!" His driving skills was good, so the shot finished smoothly.
Charmaine saw Raymond driving, so she wanted to be the drive too. All the crew members stared at Charmaine nervously, and Charmaine looked nervous. On the first time she backed up, she nearly hit the road sign, and the crew members quickly topped her. Another time, she almost hit Raymond. Afterwards, Raymond constantly said he was lucky, but it wasn't very serious, there was a distance between Raymond and the car, Raymond joked, "So scared!" Seeing his relaxed face expression shows that he wasn't even scared. When it was time to film, Charmaine's car successfully passed by Raymond, and was completely safe.
From yesterday, you can see that Charmaine is not afraid of driving. She had couple of accident records in the year 2000-2002. The most two serious ones were when she drove a red BMW in Tsim Sha Tsui and hit the traffic light on the sidewalk to avoid the taxi, that time, her neck was injured. Another time was when she was rushed to film, driving a black BMW, and hit the sidewalk. Her car was demaged, but she was okay.