Raymond Lam's Illustration

The Illustration -- Raymond Lam Fung 林峰

Raymond Lam's Illustration

Michael's Blog -- Raymond Lam's Illustration

其实我们一直在痛苦和磨难中艰挺过来的, 光明从未追随过我们, 但我们仍然期待在人生的下一个转弯处可以找到活路! 否则, 无非就是一起走向死亡!

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Raymond Lam: Men are lucky

Newspaper scan from Fung's Label (http://lamfung.net)
Translated by Winter_Stargirl

Raymond does not object to “sister-brother” relationships
Raymond Lam: Men are lucky

In Raymond’s new series La Femme Desperado, he plays a progressive yet frivolous youth, and also develops with Melissa Ng a ‘sister-brother’ relationship. He admits that at first he was afraid that the audience’s thoughts would be rather conservative and not accept it, but luckily when it came out people were satisfied with it, allowing Raymond to finally remove that heavy stone from his heart. He wouldn’t object to a relationship with an older female, but she shouldn’t be any older than him than three years.

Raymond Lam, who has been away from Hong Kong for a period of time, recently has been returning to Hong Kong to promote his new series. Frequently flying between Hong Kong and China, Raymond laughs and says that he has already gotten used to the life of taking flights so often, but even if it is a little tiring, it doesn’t matter because he is doing it for the series. Raymond, who plays a progressive yet frivolous youth in the series, expressed that in real life, he’s a little bit different, so to properly portray this character, he paid his “frivolous friends” a visit and tried to understand them more. He said, “Normally I’m not like that, but beside me I have a lot of friends who have that kind of personality, so I specially went to their houses to take a look around, that way I can portray the character more realistically!”

As to his first time working with Melissa Ng, he expressed that there were some intimidate scenes between them, and he has even worried before about the audience not accepting this “sister-brother” relationship. But who would’ve guessed that the response to this series was so good! Raymond could finally remove that heavy stone from his heart.

Has only dated once
As to whether or not Raymond can accept “sister-brother” relationships in real life, Raymond replied with a laugh, “I’ve never really objected to it. There’s a Chinese tradition that says that if a woman is older than a man, then the man will receive good fortune. But I don’t think the difference should be too great, three years should be just right, otherwise it will be very tough for the woman.” If he hadn’t said it, no one would’ve known that the handsome Raymond Lam has only had one experience with dating. He also expressed that he has always been very serious towards love, and also, towards choosing girlfriends he is rather picky. But he if meets someone who he likes, he’ll grow red in the face and not dare to take a step closer to her – which is what holds him back from finding a girlfriend.


I can't really post the scan here because I tried it and it's super duper humungo and so I'll give you the link to it, otherwise if I post it here, it's going to wreck Michael's blog, which is super duper NEAT! Woot! Go Michael!

林峰签约代言网游 再战《大唐风云》




林峰签约代言网游 少帅再战《大唐风云》 2006-04-24 天畅科技








《大唐风云》被评为国家新闻出版总署 “中国民族网络游戏出版工程”,这一奖项是中国游戏业界的最高荣誉。并在由信息产业部、文化部和科技部共同支持举办的“2005中国游戏行业年会”上,获得“2005中国游戏行业年度最受期待网络游戏奖”。《大唐风云》势必成为国产原创网游的骄傲!


姓名:林峰 性别:男

出生年月:1979.12.08 英文名:Raymond

星座:射手座 血型:O


国籍:中国 籍贯:福建












Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Return from Thailand Trip

Credits to Fung's Label.
Translation by Winter_Stargirl

Ming Pao

Raymond Lam, Ron Ng, Kevin Cheng and Sonija Kwok returned from Thailand to Hong Kong the night before, with many fans at the airport to receive them. As the artists appeared, the fans found their target and moved forward towards their idol. The fans diligently fought to be seen. As Sonija Kwok was a target, numerous reporters went straight to her to take photos, while Raymond Lam had many fans surrounding him, not embarrassing at all. As to Ron Ng, he also had many fans there to see him, leaving Kevin Cheng with no fans, and only his assistant, but afterwards there was one fan that was passing-by. Not sure if this was what put Kevin in a bad mood, but when the reporters went forward to take pictures, his face immediately darkened and he even told them stop.

Raymond Lam was the most popular there and had many fans surrounding him, hindering him for ten or so minutes before he was able to get into the car. Raymond expressed that this time he went to Thailand was to appear at TVB’s promotion functions; the fans there were very enthusiastic and very familiar with them, too. There were three Hong Kong reporters in Thailand, following them day and night whether they were working or just going out to eat. La Femme Desperado’s weekly ratings reached thirty-one points. To this, Raymond said that the series was rather refreshing, and he was happy to have participated in this production.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

色女看演技,喜欢小齐的小动作 [25/4/2006]








Rating Reports [17/4/2006-21/4/2006]

Rating Reports [17/4/2006-21/4/2006]

20:00    高朋满座(第6-10集)      27点(跌1点)
20:30    女人唔易做(第1-5集)      31点(跌1点) [peaking at 36 pts]
21:30    潮爆大状(第11-15集)      33点(升2点)
22:35    向世界出发          27点(升2点)
20:30(周六) 为美味喝采          21点(升5点)
21:30(周六) 老冯日记(第1集)        23点(升7点)
22:00(周六) 电车男(第2集)         18点(升4点)
20:00(周日) 近厨得食           24点(升4点)
20:30(周日) 超级靓声演斗厅        22点(升4点)
21:30(周日) 15/16             30点(升5点)

19:30    喜有此理(第129-133集)     4点(无升跌)
20:00    刁蛮公主(第6-10集)       5点(升1点)
21:00    方德与苗翠花结局篇(第31-35集) 4点(跌1点)
22:00    Oh!必胜奉胜英(第8-12集)    5点(无升跌)
19:30(周六) 第十二届十大电视广告颁奖典礼  8点(升1点)
21:30(周六) 方德与苗翠花大结局(第36集)   8点(升1点)
20:35(周日) 从香港出发           9点(升1点)
21:30(周日) 齐献爱心共抗癌         4点(升1点)
22:00(周日) 慧眼商机            5点(升2点)


** La Femme Desperado -- 31pts! GOOD JOB, Raymond!!! [HIGH: 36]

Monday, April 24, 2006

Thailand Trip

Credits to Fung's Label.
Translated by ... you guessed it, me! Me! Me! Me!

Ming Pao

Kevin Cheng, along with Raymond Lam, Ron Ng and Sonija Kwok, these three kings and the one queen, arrived at Thailand the day before to promote TVBI. As many Asians in Thailand watch TVB’s series, they were very familiar with the artists, and five hundred fans were at the fans meeting, even playing games with the artists and giving presents. What really challenged them four was that they had to sing Thai songs and let the fans guess which songs they were, but their Thai practically left everyone laughing, and the fans fought to teach them Thai. Sonija Kwok expressed that before her impression of Thailand was that they had good spas, but the fans enthusiasm has also left a deep impression!

Wenwei Pao

TVB’s artists Kevin Cheng, Raymond Lam, Ron Ng and Sonija Kwok left last Friday to go to Bangkok, Thailand, to promote TVB. As the Asians in Thailand love TVB series the most, there were many fans in Thailand to welcome them.

The day before, the four of them had a fans gathering with five hundred fans. They played games and gave presents, but the event that had the audience cheering for the most was the Super Guessing Song game. The artists had to listen to Thai songs, repeat it and let the fans guess. Their singing cracked the whole audience up. A lot of fans were fighting to teach them Thai, it was incredibly funny! After two hours of meeting up, fans still didn’t want to leave, in the end everyone stood together to take a photo as a souvenir, and left very happily. The artists were surprised at the enthusiasm displayed by the fans, and Sonija said, “This is my first time coming to Thailand for promotion, and the fact that they’re so enthusiastic had made me really happy! Thailand has left me a very good impression.” Ron, who had once come to Thailand before to shoot an advertisement, said, “The level of enthusiasm of the fans here isn’t any less than those in Hong Kong. People’s support naturally makes me happy, and if I get time, I’d definitely want to go and sunbake a bit.”

Raymond frankly said that the female fans were very enthusiastic, “but at the same time, they’re very polite and very orderly.” And Kevin, who has been to Thailand before filming a series, complimented that Thailand was a great place and hoped that he could come again next time for more promotional functions.

Takung Pao
TVB’s leading siu sang (promoted, younger generation actors) and fa dan (promoted, younger generation actresses), Raymond Lam, Ron Ng, Kevin Cheng and Sonija Kwok flew to Bangkok, Thailand last week for TVBI promotions. As the Asians in Thailand enjoy watching TVB series, not only were the artists recognised, but many fans were also there to welcome them. And as to the fans gathering the day before, the artists were able to dump the stress that came along with their work, and play with the fans.

That day, there were a total of five hundred fans at the gathering. The four artists appeared onstage together and played games with the fans and gave presents. Playing a Super Guessing Song game brought the most cheers from the fans. The artists had to, while listening to Thai songs, sing along and let the fans guess which song it was, practically leaving everyone laughing. Many fans were fighting to teach them Thai, it was really funny! After meeting up for close to two hours, the fans still didn’t want to leave. The artists really knew what to do and they let everyone take photos as a souvenir and they left happily.

As to the enthusiasm displayed by the fans in Thailand, the four of them admitted that they hadn’t expected it. Laughing, Sonija said, “This is my first time coming to Thailand for a promotional function, and I found that they are actually very enthusiastic – I’m very happy! Thailand has left me a very good impression, and what I’m most familiar with is the famous spa.” Ron, who has been to Thailand before shooting for an advertisement, said, “Having fans’ support naturally makes me happy, and I hope that if I have time I could go and sunbake a bit.” Raymond frankly said that the fans were very enthusiastic, though they were still very polite. And as to Kevin, who has been to Thailand before filming a series, complimented Thailand and said that he hoped to return to Thailand for more functions.

Oriental Daily

TVB’s Ron Ng, Kevin Cheng, Raymond Lam and Sonija Kwok arrived in Bangkok, Thailand early to attend promotional functions for TVB. During a fans gathering with five hundred fans, they played a game called Super Guessing Song game, where they had to sing along to Thai songs. Their Thai left everyone laughing, and the scene was very lively.

As to the enthusiasm displayed by the fans, they were extremely flattered. Ron said, “Their level of enthusiasm isn’t any less than Hong Kong’s fans. Having so much support from the people, of course I’m happy!” And Raymond praised that even though the fans were very enthusiastic, they remained polite and orderly.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Pic of Ray in Thailand [23/4/2006]

Credit: Magarita 30