Raymond Lam's Illustration

The Illustration -- Raymond Lam Fung 林峰

Raymond Lam's Illustration

Michael's Blog -- Raymond Lam's Illustration

其实我们一直在痛苦和磨难中艰挺过来的, 光明从未追随过我们, 但我们仍然期待在人生的下一个转弯处可以找到活路! 否则, 无非就是一起走向死亡!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

[News] 屠狗食困30天 群星轟輕判;林峯:同食人肉無分別 (節錄) -- 27/12/2006

四 名 中 年 男 子 上 月 親 自 將 兩 隻 飼 養 的 狗 隻 屠 宰 烹 煮 , 作 進 補 之 用 , 遭 警 方 拘 捕 , 前 日 上 庭 接 受 審 訊 , 承 認 屠 宰 狗 隻 作 食 物 罪 名 , 遭 判 罰 即 時 入 獄 30 天 , 成 為 本 地 《 貓 狗 條 例 》 立 法 半 世 紀 以 來 首 宗 判 監 案 件 。

不 少 娛 樂 圈 中 人 均 有 飼 養 貓 狗 寵 物 , 故 昨 日 屠 狗 食 報 道 被 刊 登 後 , 眾 多 藝 人 均 感 到 極 度 震 驚 , Twins 、 傅 明 憲 和 唐 寧 等 眾 口 一 詞 指 判 監 30 天 的 懲 罰 過 輕 , 應 加 重 刑 罰 阻 嚇 , 名 模 陳 嘉 容 直 斥 屠 狗 黨 抵 罰 , 林 峯 則 轟 屠 狗 令 人 心 寒 , 更 形 容 「 食 狗 肉 同 食 人 肉 冇 分 別 」 。

林 峯: 應 判 下 半 世 食 齋

「 我 睇 新 聞 見 到 D 人 咁 樣 對 待 D 狗 , 自 己 覺 得 好 心 寒 , D 狗 自 己 養 的, 點 食 得 落 呀 ? 食 狗 肉 同 食 人 肉 冇 分 別 , 因 為 狗 係 人 類 最 忠 心 朋 友 , 好 有 人 性 , 殺 佢 同 殺 人 無 分 別 , 所 以 坐 監 一 個 月 的 懲 罰 輕 左, 仲 應 該 要 判 殺 狗 食 狗 的 人 下 半 世 食 齋 。 」


Dog butchers sentenced 30 days imprisonment; artists criticized too light
Raymond Lam: it’s indifferent from eating human flesh

Last month, four middle aged men butchered and boiled two dogs that they raised, for the purpose of nourishment and then they were arrested by police. Two days before, they were sentenced to court judgment, plead guilty to butcher dogs as food, and got the judgment of 30 days imprisonment, which become the first imprisonment case since “The Dogs and Cats Ordinance (cap.167)” had been legislated for the half-Century.

In view of this case, many artists whom are raising pets like dogs and cats, expressed extremely shocking, Twins, Ms. Fu Ming Hin and Tong Ling, etc. recognized that the 30 days imprisonment was too light, it must be added for frightening purpose, model Chan Ka Yun agreed that they should be punished, Raymond Lam thought that butcher dogs gave him a shiver, he even described “eating dogs meat is indifferent from eating human flesh”.

Raymond Lam: It should also be judged the rest of life to be vegetarians

“I read the news, seeing those people treat the dogs, I feel shivering, those dogs are rising by them, how come they can eat them? Eating dog’s meat is indifferent from eating human flesh, because dogs are the most honest friend of human being, its inhuman, killing them is indifferent from killing people, sentence to 1 month imprisonment is too light, and those who kill and eat dogs should also be judged the rest of their life to be vegetarians.”

(Adapted from Apple Daily)
The news are translated by Fung Forever -- Cat


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