Raymond Lam's Illustration

The Illustration -- Raymond Lam Fung 林峰

Raymond Lam's Illustration

Michael's Blog -- Raymond Lam's Illustration

其实我们一直在痛苦和磨难中艰挺过来的, 光明从未追随过我们, 但我们仍然期待在人生的下一个转弯处可以找到活路! 否则, 无非就是一起走向死亡!

Friday, December 22, 2006

[News] 中 式 派 對 共 賀 聖 誕 -- 22/12/2006

( 左 起 ) 湯 盈 盈 、 鍾 嘉 欣 和 林 峰 昨 日 在 奧 海 城 出 席 活 動 , 湯 盈 盈 說 : 「 今 年 Daddy(爸爸) 媽 咪 都 會 在 香 港 , 我 已 經 買 了 盆 菜 , Daddy又 鍾 意 飲 花 雕 , 呢 個 就 係 我 所 諗 的Chinese style ( 中 國 式 ) 聖 誕 。 」

湯盈盈聖誕食大閘蟹 (節錄)

林峯表示近年聖誕節都是工作中度過,他說: 「聖誕都要開工拍《歲月風雲》,收工就會趕返屋企,因為今年爸爸媽媽同所有兄弟姊妹都會返香港,難得一聚,所以我一定要抽空出席。(會否想有女友陪度佳節?) 我沒女友,但我現在沒時間,也不想周了別人。」

Raymond Lam expressed that he got to spend Christmas Day on working, "Christmas (I) also need to film “The Legendary Era”, and he will fly to home after work. Since my parents and all brothers sisters will return HK this year, that’s very rare, I must squeeze some time to attend the gathering.” (Reporter: Do you want to spend holiday with girlfriend?) I don’t have one, but I don’t have time now, and not want to bother others”

This news (Chinese & English version) are typed and translated by Fung Forever -- Cat



Raymond, Tong Ying Ying and Linda Chong yesterday attend an initiative ceremony of “Hong Kong Harmony Family Contest” at the Olympian City, which attracted many fans came to support. Regarding to coming Christmas, the three persons have their plans respectively. While Raymond Lam is busy at filming the new teleplay “The Legendary Era”, he got to spend on working, “consecutive Christmas days have been spent on working, but I will try to squeeze some time to celebrate with my family. Recently, I find that my nervous condition is quite tense, once I wake up from dream and started to act and speak out the scripts, just like going crazy; thus, I really want to have a vacation for Tibet to absorb spiritual air and refresh as well.”

(Adapted from Ming Pao News)
This news are and translated by Fung Forever -- Cat


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